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Anointed Page 19

  Suddenly, the man took a deep breath. His face began to turn pink instead of the bluish tinge it had become.

  Elise grinned with relief. “You did it!”

  “I think he'll live. Let’s hope the rightful owner of this body can reclaim it!” Terra said.

  “The video camera has a cable running into a machine in the backroom,” Elise said. “It was recorded on magnetic tape. So I erased it.”

  “Good, let’s get out of here!” Brendan said.

  Terra nodded. Brendan picked up the crutches as Terra attempted to wipe the drops of her blood off of the floor. The clerk groaned and stirred.

  “Should we call someone to help him?” Brendan asked.

  “Yes, but I think we would be the ones to get in trouble,” Terra said.

  “We didn’t do anything wrong,” Elise said. “He tried to shoot Terra!”

  “Yeah, but then he ended up needing CPR,” Brendan prodded the inert man on the shoulder with his crutch.

  “He survived,” Elise crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Barely,” Terra said. “But none of that's important. We know why that man did what he did, but the authorities won’t understand what happened. It's better to get out of here. After the incident with the nurse, I'm afraid the authorities may not understand the pattern.”

  Terra’s head still stung, and now it began to throb in time with her heartbeat. The strain of the day was catching up with her.

  “Alright Brendan, you drive,” Terra tossed him the keys as she opened the passenger-side door.

  “Really?” He smiled Liam's smile.

  “Yes, I need to hold this cloth on my head. Just go where the phone tells you and please try not to kill us!” Terra propped the phone up with the MapQuest app running. She leaned against the door, angling her arm so the cloth would stay firmly in place.

  “What do you mean by where it tells me?” Brendan put the key in the ignition and started the car.

  Terra kept her eyes closed as she answered. “The speaker will talk and tell you where to turn. Don’t freak out.”

  Just take me somewhere that I can climb into a dark hole and disappear. How much more of this can I take?

  Terra felt the car roll slowly to the exit onto the highway. That was the last thing she was aware of until Elise woke her at a gas station.

  “Terra, you may want to go clean yourself up. The other hotel is just down the street. You're the only one who can go in and rent the room.”

  “Clean myself up?” Terra straightened up her stiff body as she tried to get her bearings.

  “You really don’t look your best,” Brendan said.

  Terra pulled down the sun visor and flipped opened the mirror. “Uggg,” she groaned. Her blond hair was plastered to her head and face with dried-up blood on one side. Her eyes had taken on a raccoon effect as her mascara melted in her tears. Her eyes were puffy and red, but her face looked more drawn and pale than ever. “Maybe they sell hats.” Terra opened the car door and went toward the store to try to appear human enough to obtain a room for the night.

  Terra walked to the side entrance to the restroom and crossed her fingers that the door would be unlocked so she would not have to go in to ask for a key. The knob turned easily in her hand, and she let out a sigh of relief. At least, something was going her way. She flipped on the light and went to the sink that hung slightly crooked on the filthy wall.

  The unmistakable sensation of bodiless claws digging into her shoulders caught Terra by surprise. “Seriously, you picked the wrong place and the wrong day to wait for someone to attack!” Terra reached behind herself and grabbed the writhing Scourge creature that had dared to attack her. She connected with its thoughts and began to push past the layers of depraved impressions, seeking that last particle of original purpose that tied this abomination to the human life it was created for.

  The vile voice of the Originator interrupted Terra’s search. "Oh, I thought you had given up hunting my loyal followers. But no, Terra of the Tweens is no quitter, just a failure."

  “How dare you!” Terra spoke aloud.

  "I dare. You're the one who's delusional, dear girl. I see now that I was wrong to offer you a place at my side. You are powerless. I have your Liam and Carol. I've taken your charges and your security. Your loved ones are my playthings now. And you're just feeling sorry for yourself because you finally realize that you're not here to save the world. You're just as helpless as the infestation of do-gooders and humanitarians that your kind keeps sending to this planet."

  “I will find you and destroy you!” Terra spoke quietly through her teeth as she dug her fingers into the creature behind her.

  "You do that, Terra. I’d love to know how you plan to find me, much less destroy me!"

  “Count your moments Orthos. I'm coming for you.”

  Orthos laughed with a maniacal tone. "Oh, save me!"

  The creature Terra held let out a strangled whimper.

  "Besides, I didn’t realize we were on a first-name basis now."

  “I know more about you than you think. I'm coming for you,”

  "You do that. I'm getting bored with my new toys. Some fresh company would be a nice change."

  Orthos sent an image of Liam and Carol with bags over each of their heads, huddled on a tile floor into Terra's thoughts through the trapped creature. Terra could see Carol propped up against a stack of cardboard shipping cartons labeled IPS in large black letters.

  “You monster!” Terra’s voice was too loud not to attract attention from the small line forming outside the bathroom door.

  Just a little food for thought! The Originator’s voice faded into nothingness. Terra ripped the last shed of the Scourge thing's humanity free from its hiding place and shuddered as the particles that once were part of a sentient being crumbled down her back.

  A knock on the door startled Terra. “You alright in there, ma’am?” someone asked.

  “I’m fine,” Terra called back. She turned on the sink and tried to wash away the stress of the day.

  Chapter 38

  Human senses were a distraction. The car was too warm and smelled of old cigarette smoke and sweat. Korin almost forgot that part of being fully human.

  Azalea’s daughter’s house was over an hour's drive from the prison. Korin was careful to memorize the address. The cab driver pulled up in front of the tiny house and put the car in park. He looked over his shoulder at Korin with an expression of impatience. "That will be thirty-five dollars, lady"

  Korin blushed and tried to smooth down the shapeless sweatshirt she had been issued for her release. “Like I told you, I don’t have any cash. But the lady who lives here promised to pay for my fare.”

  “The prison told me that when they called. You don’t pay; I’ll report it to your parole officer.” A few flecks of spit flew from the man's mouth as he talked over his shoulder.

  “I understand,” Korin gripped the door handle. “I don’t want to take advantage. I need to go to the door and let her know I’m here. I don’t have a phone, I just got out.”

  The cabbie snorted.

  Walking felt strange. As a spirit, Korin was weightless and free. Impersonating Terra, she used her young vibrant body. Now, every movement felt slow and heavy. Various parts of her body protested old injuries as she moved toward the door.

  Get over it. This is what you wanted. You have your life back. That comes with aches and pains.

  Korin knocked at the door. When nobody answered, she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

  Please let Azalea come to the door, and not her daughter. I have no idea how to explain this to her. Korin fidgeted with a strand of her too long, graying hair. She glanced back at the cab driver. He glared at her and pointed to the meter. Korin returned what she hoped was a sincere smile and gave him a thumb-up. The door rattled behind her. As it opened, she recognized Xavier.

  “Is your grandma home, sweetie?” Korin asked.

  “Yeah, but she won’t le
t me let strangers in.”

  “Azalea is expecting me. I'm Korin, an old friend.”

  “You sure do look old now,” Xavier grinned as he made the connection.

  “I have to agree. It's different. That man in the cab is waiting for me. Please go get your grandma.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back!” Xavier turned and ran toward the kitchen, leaving the front door standing wide open.

  Another minute passed before Azalea slowly approached the doorway. Korin felt somewhat faster as she watched the elderly woman methodically progressing towards the door. She moved like a glacier, slowly and solidly, but with steady determination.

  “You managed to get back here!” Azalea’s eyes crinkled as she smiled.

  “I did. Terra made good on her promise. Now I can help you without the formula affecting me.”

  “You’re just in time. We will move on the first swarm in the morning.”

  “The cab driver wants thirty-five dollars,” Korin said, glancing over her shoulder.

  “Of course, it's a worthwhile investment. Xavier, bring me my bag!”

  Xavier disappeared down the hallway and returned with Azalea’s purse.

  Azalea rummaged for her wallet. She handed Korin the bills.

  “Thank you,” Korin said. “I don’t know what I would do without your help.”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Azalea said. “I expect your service for my trouble.”

  Korin was surprised to feel the familiar tingle on her arm where the circular mark had once appeared in her spiritual form. As she walked to the cab, she glanced at her arm. To her amazement, the same marking appeared on her flesh. “How did she?”

  “How did she what ma’am?” The taxi driver looked at Korin like she had lost her mind.

  “Never mind,” Korin handed the driver the money, then returned to the house.


  “Are you sure it's alright with your daughter if I stay here for now?” Korin asked Azalea.

  “I don’t think she would care. She works all the time anyway, so what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

  “Tell me again, how are we going to get all of this formula to the stadium and into the sprinkler system?” Korin eyed the large vats of swirling liquid.

  “I tried something new this batch. I made this like the drink flavoring, ultra-concentrated. Those vats are more than we will need for this project. I intend to fill every container that I can carry in without being labeled as a terrorist.”

  Korin’s hair prickled on her neck. “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. The security will be different now than it was when I was a young person.”

  “Yes, but I have a plan. As an older woman, they have to allow me certain concessions.” She grinned and nodded her head toward a wheelchair in the corner. “And at least we know that Troy’s group and the ones they baited into the stadium won’t need to go through security.”

  “True, but the sprinkler systems. It’s genius but how will you pull it off?”

  “Those systems are tucked away, not out for all to see. I know my fair share of plumbing. My late husband paid our bills with the trade until he left this world.”

  “If you think it's doable, then it must be. I just hope things go smoothly.”

  Something in Azalea’s expression changed. “I know you worry about your friends. Your Terra is miles away, and Troy will keep his folks safe if he can. We all have to do our part. That includes you.” Azalea held up a bottle of non-aerosol hairspray.

  “Will one spritz really destroy a Scourge?”

  “I tried it out already; I don’t think the whole spritz was needed!”

  “Okay, I’ll do my best,” Korin said. “At least I can finally help!”

  “You can’t imagine how much I appreciate your help,” Azalea said. She looked into Korin’s eyes.

  Korin looked away.

  “What aren’t you telling me, miss?” Azalea demanded.

  “I couldn’t keep this from Terra. She's been my closest friend for over a decade.”

  “You told Terra what we were planning to do, and she still put you back in your body?”

  “Not exactly; I left a note. I bet she has found it by now.”

  “And if she comes and gets in the way, that won’t help to end these creatures.”

  “I’m sure she won’t get in the way.”

  “You think that, but she won’t want you or Troy putting yourselves in harm’s way. If your Terra shows up here, things may not work out for her.”

  “Is that a threat?” Korin asked. Her eyes widened.

  “It's a reality. You get on that phone and fix this. You let her know not to come around here.”

  “I doubt she'll listen to me.”

  “You’d best try. We don’t need to take out Terra and her guide friends. I don’t know them, but they're not the corrupted things I'm after.”

  Korin picked up the home phone from its antiquated receiver and dialed Terra’s cell phone number. The call connected and began to ring. Azalea looked at Korin expectantly as the call rang Terra’s phone over and over.

  Finally, Terra’s cheerful voice greeted Korin, “This is Terra, leave your message.”

  “Terra, this is Korin. By now, you should have found the letter I left for you. Don’t worry about a thing. Go find Liam and let me handle things here at home. Call me back at this number. I need to talk to you!” Korin hung up the phone.

  “She didn’t answer,” Azalea said. “Is that normal?”

  Korin chewed her lip before she answered. “I’m not sure. No, not really.”

  “Let’s hope she calls you back, and we can avoid any accidents.”

  “I hope she does,” Korin’s voice cracked.

  Chapter 39

  Terra dried the tears from her eyes. Her head still felt strange where the burned cut was. She traced the trail where the bullet had narrowly missed ending her mortal life. At least, her hair covered the wound.

  She rolled over on the bed so she could reach her phone as it was connected to the charger. Using it for navigation killed the battery life. She powered it back on with the intention of sending Portia a quick message. She knew that calling her mother would be the same as admitting to her that things were going badly. Portia would be able to hear the strain in her voice before she could think of a reasonable explanation.

  As the phone powered on a missed call and voicemail notification popped up on the screen.

  Whose number is that? Terra wondered. She tapped the voice mail to hear the message.

  An unfamiliar woman's smoky voice spoke into Terra's ear. She listened to the message.

  Letter? wondered Terra.

  A vague memory came back to her. What had Korin said about the front pocket of my bag as we were leaving the prison? She rolled over on the hotel bed and unzipped the front pocket of her suitcase. She reached inside and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

  How in the world did Korin manage to leave me a letter? Terra unfolded the paper with a sense of reverence. The page was typed and printed. Had Korin used Portia’s computer? How long did it take her to manifest enough to type a letter?

  Terra began to read Korin’s message.

  Dear Terra,

  I'm sure that taking me to reclaim my body was not an easy thing for either of us to do. We have been roommates and friends for so long it seemed like that would always be the way things were. But you’re growing up. It’s time for you to find out about life and to find your Liam.

  As for me, I can’t go on playing ghost forever. It was time for me to go back to my body. I wouldn’t have had that chance without your help. For that, I am forever grateful.

  I know that you're going to continue to fight against the Scourge. I'm glad that some of your fellow guides have come to help you. It relieves me to know that you are finally learning to accept help from someone, even if it isn’t me.

  The truth is that I’m not giving up on making a difference. I'm going back to my human life. But
I'm going back fully aware of what lurks around me. Because of that, I can't sit back and hope that you and the others take care of this threat. I'll be going to Azalea as soon as I’m released. She has agreed to take me in.

  I didn’t want to tell you this in person. I'm afraid you will hold it against me, and a really hope you can forgive me. I introduced Azalea to Troy. Troy depended on you to be the one to dispatch the things he and his group fended off. But when you left, they could only deflect the Scourge, and they felt useless. They felt abandoned. I’m not sure Troy will ever be able to work through the way he feels. In his mind, you betrayed his followers to go after Liam. I've tried to explain why you went to him but considering his situation, and what he gave up to leave the Scourge, I’m not sure he is ready to come to terms with your choice. For my part, I understand that you want to get to the source of all of this and end it once and for all.

  I'm happy to report that I will finally be able to make a real difference in this battle for humanity. With Azalea’s technique, we are planning a major attack. The Football game at Tech this weekend will be irresistible to the Scourge, especially when Troy’s followers bait them into the stadium. Once inside Azalea and I will rig the sprinkler system to shower her formula down on the Scourge and end them once and for all. Just think Terra. We could take out hundreds or even thousands all at once.

  Don’t worry about me at all. Now that I’m human again the formula can't harm me unless I drink it.

  I want you to know that I am proud of everything you’re attempting to do. I hope you will feel proud that I have found a way to help!



  Terra folded the letter. The tears streamed down her cheeks silently.

  Troy thinks I betrayed him. And maybe I did. I wanted to keep his people safe from the Scourge that was really after me. But joining Azalea; does she have their safety in mind? Will she try to protect them? If those people are just collateral damage to her, it is going to be a big problem!